Fall 2018

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Dr. Claude Brunson runs for ASA first vice president

Claude Brunson

At the ASA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, Dr. Claude Brunson will be running for the first vice president position.   As first vice president, Brunson would serve as a member of the ASA Executive Committee, which consists of the president, president-elect, first vice president and immediate past president. The Executive Committee expedites, executes, and administers the policies adopted by the ASA House of Delegates and ASA Board of Directors. If necessary, they may publish and implement positions or statements on behalf of ASA when this proves to be in the Society's best interests.

Dr. Brunson currently serves as the Senior Advisor to the Vice Chancellor for External Affairs and is a Professor of Anesthesiology at the University of Mississippi School of Medicine.  He is very active in our specialty and served as President of the Mississippi Society of Anesthesiologists in 1998.  He now serves the Society as its State Director and is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. He has held multiple appointments to committees in the ASA which include the Board Finance Committee for six years, the final three as Chair.  He currently serves on and Chairs the Board Committee on Scientific Affairs and also serves on the Special Board Committee on Expert Witness Testimony, Committee on Publications and Digital Oversight, Section on Board Administrative Affairs and the Joint Committee of the ABA-ASA-AMA (Triple Committee).  He also currently serves as the President of the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure.

Please congratulate Dr. Brunson with me on his willingness to serve our specialty in the national spotlight while also representing the great state of Mississippi in the process!  Remember to support him this year at the national meeting!